Meet The Girls.

Is there anything better than a pajama day? From the time we were kids, our mom always said that we divided the world. Anna was all things pink and frilly, and Sarah Kate was more of a tomboy. As we got older, our personalities and preferences grew more and more distinct, but always with several common appreciations, including pajamas.
We lived most of our lives in pajamas (and still do). When we got home from school, the first thing we always wanted to do was change into jammies. We wore pajamas under our ski gear and over our cheer uniforms. We had entire parties themed around pajamas. Our dad even had a special song he would sing when it was time to put on our “jim jam pajamas”.
Then we grew up. We realized pajamas still had a special place in our hearts and our wardrobes. What other ensemble is specifically designed to make you feel comfortable? Furthermore, what is funnier than seeing a blatant irreverence for a situation by seeing somebody show up in pajamas. We wear pajamas to the supermarket. We wear them on zoom calls for work. We wear them to fancy restaurants when topped with a cowboy hat and high heels. We wear them while vacuuming the house and watering plants. We yearned for pajamas that were comfortable enough to cozy up in, but stylish enough to wear out. We longed for these pajamas, so we made them.
What is West of Breakfast? We’re pajamas you wear long after you’ve finished your eggs and bacon. We’re pajamas you wear in the bedroom and the boardroom, pajamas you live your life in. Because that’s what we do. We hope you have half as much fun wearing them as we have creating them. They’ve been designed with love and care (and caffeine. Lots of caffeine).
Sarah Kate and Anna